Rochester Ballroom Dancing

Past Events

Here are scenes from our most recent monthly dance events.

Winter Wonderland
Damascus Shrine Center - December 14, 2024
Band: Freddie DiCesare

Everyone came out in their Holiday finest to get in the spirit of our December dance. Gail & Tom Cometa, and Selda & Cleveland Cooke greeted dancers at the reception table to set the mood for the evening. Kurt DeJac cooked up a tasty meal of chicken parmigiana, stuffed shells, green beans and mixed vegetables. Freddie DiCesare played a mix of holiday songs for our dancing entertainment. There were several dances when the tables were empty and all forty attendees were out on the floor dancing.

Falling for Fall
Damascus Shrine Center - November 15, 2024
Band: Rhythm n' Shoes

With the leaves mostly fallen, dancers came out for a fall celebration. A favorite band of club members, Rhythm n' Shoes, played a great mix of ballroom tunes. We were greeted at the door by our hosts Mary Ellen & Paul Hoderlein, and Connie & Tom Lathrop. 

Autumn Colors with a Bit of Halloween Fun
Damascus Shrine Center - October 26, 2024
Band: Moondance

We liked them enough that Moondance was back playing music for us this month. Kurt DeJac whipped up a great meal for us. Our hosts Anne & Arnie Gray and Carol & Pete Fournia welcomed all of the attendees and provided a little Halloween spokiness for us.

Oh, the Places You'll Go!
Damascus Shrine Center - September 6, 2024
Band: Moondance

With many of us having traveled during the summer months our dance hosts, Pat & Dennis Massa and Pat & Ray Wartinger, created the Oh, the Places You'll Go! dance theme to get us talking about those summer travels. We continue to schedule events at the Damascus Shrine Center with their large dance floor. This was the first time that Moondance played the music for us, and based on what our members said, it will not be the last time.

Summer Flowers
Mendon Country Club - June 14, 2024
Band: The Gateswingers

Our Spring season this year ended at Mendon Golf Club with a theme of Summer Flowers. Forty members and seven guests attended for dinner and dancing. They were joined later by four other for the dancing. The 19 piece Gateswingers band played a big band mix of music for us to dance to. David & Kathy Cooper and Nina & David Somers will be the hosts for this dance with a Summer Flowers theme.

Honoring our Veterans On this Memorial Day Month
Damascus Shrine Center - May 17, 2024
Band: Rhythm n' Shoes

On this Memorial Day month, our hosts, Donna Hennessey and Al Campagna, and Pat & Ray Wartinger, chose to honor our veterans. During the announcements, we had a moment of silence for those service men and women who never returned home. Each attendee received a poppy lapel pin. Pre-dinner socializing and dinner was enjoyed by 41 members and 6 guests. Four more people joined when the dancing started. DeJac catering fed us well, as usual. An added treat was a dance themed cake. Rhythm n' Shoes, one of the club's favorite bands, played a good mix of ballroom music. 

April in Paris
Damascus Shrine Center - April 19, 2024
Band: Freddie DiCesare and Dick O'Connor 

The April in Paris theme, selected by our hosts Vanessa & Phil Overfield, and Becky & Jim Krause, attracted forty-eight members and guests for socializing and dinner before the dancing. Freddie DiCesare and Dick O'Connor always play a good mix of music, and they did not disappoint the attendees who were joined when the music started by four dance only attendees.

Going Green
Damascus Shrine Center - March 9, 2024
Band: Rhythm n' Shoes

This was the start of the first year with a 4 dance spring season and 4 dance fall season. We kicked it off at the Damascus Shrine Center with John & Teresa Shorkey, and Pat & Ray Wartinger greeting the attendees and getting them aimed toward their table. The hosts chose Going Green as the dance's theme. A club favorite band, Rhythm n' Shoes, played a very danceable mix of music. Kurt DeJac and his crew served a delicious meal for the 36 members and 9 guests who attended for dinner and dancing. There were 4 additional attendees for dancing.